Cinnamon &

Cinnamon &

Cinnamon &

Cinnamon &

Cinnamon Training Academy

Strategic location
Training and Workshops
Agricultural Consultancy
Supply Chain Management
Research and Development

Our Services
We're Certified Farmers

Vision Statement
Mission statement
▪ Enhance the quality of life and social acceptance of those engaged in cinnamon processing
▪ Assist policymakers through information and undertake advocacy and service
▪ Encourage Research and action-focused solutions to achieve growth and development in quality products and meet with the conformity requirements of high-end markets.
▪ Provide consultancy services for Cinnamon Industry in line with our vision.

Key Highlights
CTA is the bridge linking public and private sector establishments involved in the Sri Lankan Cinnamon Industry, as well as pioneers who established an international trade compliance system in Sri Lanka. In addition, CTA was instrumental in recognizing Cinnamon Industry experts through the prior learner’s assessment program in coordination with NAITA.
The Cinnamon Training Academy also provides consulting and advisory services related to technical expertise, industry knowledge and technological tools to existing and new investors of the Cinnamon Industry. The nationally accredited training framework offered by CTA, recognises the skills and capabilities of cinnamon households/individuals by awarding a level 3 & 4 National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) . CTA is a well-equipped training facility with skilled individuals who are capable of leading the industry in competitive trade and sustainable income generation for all stakeholders.
Our training programs and services are flexible to meet the unique needs of estate companies. We understand the complex dynamics between the workers and management and the broad range diverse responsibilities involved. Therefore, we can customize our training or services to fit your specific requirements
CTA is the first institution to award NVQ certificates among agro-based product industries such as tea, rubber and coconut in Sri Lanka. Our study programs are specially designed to train people with prior skills as well as youth and school leavers interested in becoming vocationally qualified and certified Cinnamon Industry workers. As such, CTA is committed towards continuously improving the quality of our training programs. CTA qualified persons can be expected to deliver their best service in any career they pursue within the Sri Lankan Cinnamon Industry.
The primary objective of CTA is to “provide service to train value chain actors in the cinnamon industry for increasing the production capacity and enhance quality and standards compliance capacity to elevate the industry to a national symbol of quality and excellence”.
CTA created over 3,000 new job opportunities for trainees as well as numerous business prospects.
News & Articles
Ceylon Cinnamon – How It Can Change Lives In Sri Lanka
Cinnamon Training Academy: Pathway to a Future Career
Meet International Hygienic and Quality Standards
Cinnamon Training Academy applauded as a model public-private partnership
Awarding Ceremony 2023
Opening Ceremony